020 7935 0245 info@swallowdentalclinic.co.uk

Facial Aesthetics

Anti-wrinkle injections

Look and feel years younger!

Do you ever look in a mirror and wonder when you developed more lines than the London Underground? Well now you can take action. At Swallow Dental Clinic, Dr Dale Swallow can offer a selection of non-invasive cosmetic treatments. Our treatments are popular with both men and women and we always encourage a natural result which will make your face appear fresher and younger.

Wrinkle treatment

We offer anti-wrinkle injections, which relax your facial muscles to reduce and soften lines and wrinkles. The areas Dr Swallow can treat with this technique include frown lines on your forehead and crow’s feet next to your eyes.
The results last for between 3-4 months.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 9.00 am - 6.00 pm, Saturday - by appointment Alternative times can be arranged by appointment by prior agreement.